Pattern Understanding

In all core models, including our own genealogy, the point where all the important action takes place is through the point of origin, which is always in the present. How we behave now may determine not only the future, but the past (and all time). Think of that, and realize that you are really were it's at, no matter were you are! I find great personal meaning in the Australian aboriginal life ethic. If it is my actions which determine the sky, I want it to be full of life, and I choose to believe that I am part of all that action, with my own job to do in this life form and other jobs to do in other phases.                                                                                                                         We are the universe attempting to define its processes.                                  A Kalahari bushman would say we are the dreams of a dreams. What I feel we can never define is substance (except as process; this all it may be).Bill Mollison

Om Ma Ni Pay May Hung

is the awakening or beginning harmonic, the sound of all stillness and the sounds of all time, it is the fundamental harmonic that recalls to us the universe itself.
The unchanging essence of diamantine core of all phenomena; the truth, represented as a diamond, jewel, or thunderbolt. It is sometimes represented in paintings as a blue orb or a radiant jewel, and sometimes as a source of lighting or fire.
“Enfolded in the heart of the lotus”(mani enfolded). The visible and everyday unfolding of events, petals, or patterns thus revealing the essential unchanged core (mani) to our understanding. The core itself, or the realization of it, is nirvana (the ideal state of Buddhism).
The lotus represents the implicate order of tessellated and annidated events, and the process of unfolding the passage of time to successive revelations. At the core in unchanging understanding.
“it is here, now” A declamation of belief of the chanter in the word. It is also prefaces the “Om” or begging of the new chant cycle, although in a long sequence of short chants, all words follow their predecessors. This is the reminder mnemonic of implicate time, all events are present now, and forever repeated in their form.

Art today

Most Art today serves only a decorative purpose. Art seems to have lost its educational or sacred function. Also is theater and song, and spirited dances are cheering and up lifting. But few are meaningful songs or patterns that offer knowledge to live well. Maybe its because were a mono culture, based on the jingles of advertisements and purely decorative and trivial patterns of art. Divorced form relevant long-term observations of the natural world.
Tribal art which carefully assembled to assist the folk records of the function and history of their society. The “flow form” made by the Romans served both an aesthetic and water-oxygenation function, assisting water purification. This is a small step toward applied art as patterning in everyday use. For art belongs to the people Sacred art of tribal people hidden in museums storerooms are a form of cultural genocide, removing knowledge from its context, and trivializing object to decorative or loot. We most damage ourselves when we destroy information that aids to understanding.
(of course not to say museums are bad, there is allot of up keep they do in persevering secret historic objects)