Coughs and Aaa chooo.....  Colds

Causes: oops, The vitality of the body system has been lowered by improper diet, loss of sleep, lack of exercise, fresh air or improper elimination process. These activities cause inflammation of the throat and bronchial tubes. Inflammations cause mucus to form, which the system tries to expel by coughing.
Treatment: First symptoms of a cold, influenza or cough appear, it is an indication that there is waste matter and mucus in the system. Take a pint of soft warm water and add a teaspoonful of salt. Sniff this up the nose and then blow it out. Repeat this until the nose is entirely free of mucus. Then gargle and rinse the mouth out thoroughly. During a cold keep nose and mouth clean with salt gargle. This will keep the infection from going down into the lung and causing further trouble.
Herbs: Gargle and sniff with golden seal or peppermint or hyssop or yarrow or black cohosh.
these herbs will really help.