The Garden Path

Back! from The border Rangers National Park of Australia, NSW, permaculture community of "The Permaforest Trust."

Now biking down the weedy path of Organic farms. Asking the west coast of Canada, "how does your garden grow?"
Seeking to learn the holistic methods of cultivating the land that surrounds us from our experienced farmers. For the purpose of designing our communities to be self-reliant.
Earth is our home, so let us connect and redirect, with the wisdom we collect, we can change environmental wrecks, to be round and ever so profound..... oh, Passion
 Gratitude to all and feel free to share the information that you find here. :)

Ready set Go!                                                                      March 3

Heading off on a wwoofing Journey :)

Curving and working the land, with my own two hands as I ride my bike from farm land to victory gardens that produce true security. Hidden over the hill in our own back yards are magic sanctuaries for veggies, fruits, seeds, soil, worms, animals and yes, people. So beautiful, watched over by wonderful caring folks, who understand the natural systems of our planet. Yep, no were else I would rather be then wwoofing from farm land to victory gardens producing true security.

Benssere Farm

A 5 acre dream parcel of garden, wilderness regrowth, part personal sanctuary & holistic bodywork. Daily yoga and a weekly sauna are apart of the rural life on this farm. Inhabited by a family of four, three cats and a dog who own the Italian bakery and restaurant down town Victoria quadra street. Yeah, you just can't beet being the wwoofer. So far, with the company of another lovely wwoofer Nickola, we have planted endless raspberry, made new compost piles, re blanketed the chick coop, gathered wood, and weeded to strawberry patch. Wellesley four hour work five days a week, with a two day weekend.

Winged Heart Farm

Nestle in the high hills of Salt spring Island, lies a modern pioneers adventure of cultivating the land into a yummy garden of abundance. Working with materials from their land, Martha and Chip or reorganizing the elements of the woods to be ready to use garden necessities. Yes it has been allot of work clearing the land, but now with all the broom, over grown back berries gone and a well stocked wood pile the land is ready for implements of a garden. Of course keeping and valuing the native plants of what are woods offer there is already to a scattered wild food garden. The first planted additions are in the orchard: almonds and variety's of apples. More fruit, nut and native trees all soon to be planted. The garden for this year will revolve around corn, potatoes and squash. A hearty garden well on the way.